
Organic Vegetable Farm for Lease


Farmer Housing

Conservation Easement

Updated February 4, 2025

5 Total Acres

  • 3 Tillable Acres
  • 2 Pasture Acres
  • 12 Forested Acres
  • 2 Farmstead Acres

Organic Vegetable Farm for Lease

Plainfield, VT

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3 acres of prime vegetable land, with more available. Easy access to good markets. This is a ideal opportunity for folks ready to manage a small farm. Recent graduates of a training program would be great, and/or previous farm experience.

This landowner is a

Farmer or farm family

Quality of land

Most of the crop land is Adams very fine sandy loam, level, and well drained. 1 acre is Buckland clay loam, moisture retaining and mineral rich, with a gentle slope that aids in drainage. The land has been managed using organic method since 1970. We have built this soil up with compost, cover crops, mineral applications, and manure over the years. It is ready to crop. Pasture land is in sloping orchard, good for chickens.

Enrolled in Current Use


Protected with conservation easement

Conservation easement with OPAV

Conservation easement details

Under our easement with VLT, another home can be built and existing buildings can be renovated. No sub-division can occur. Sale must be to another farm operator. 

Certified or qualified organic


External map links

Farmer housing


Farmer housing details

24'x 36' apartment, attached to greenhouse. Well insulated, easy to heat with small wood stove and greenhouse solar gain. River view, nice garden space. Rent is separate from farm lease, $900/month, plus utilities can be worked off by helping with homesteading tasks.  

Water source for farm use


Type of water source

Drilled well, Irrigation system, River/stream

Water source details

  • Drilled well supplies the house, the apartment, and drip irrigation in all greenhouses.
  • Winooski River is source for overhead sprinkler system.
  • 4"x4" PTO Hale pump
  • Hose, pipe fittings, and sprinklers for 2 acres

Farm infrastructure

  • Barn/farm buildings
  • Greenhouses/high tunnels
  • Roadways
  • Electricity/power

Description of farm infrastructure

  • Steel frame hoop houses: 26x96, 21x96, 30x48, 30x36
  • Wood frame propagation house: 12x48
  • Machine shed
  • Barn w/animal pens, machine shop, wood shop, root cellar, 8x12 cooler
  • Pack house w/sinks, spray table, and barrel washer

Access to equipment


Equipment details

  • Tractors: Ford 2110 Fwd w/loader, MF165, INT 354, AC G
  • Tillage: 2 bottom plow, 6' Perfecta, 6' disc harrow, 7' rototiller, 5' chisel plow, bed former
  • Cultivation: Buddingh baskets, frame w/sweeps, Einbach tine weeder,  Lilliston, BCS
  • Misc.: Manure spreader, Spinner spreader , plastic mulch layer
  • 1989 Toyota farm truck        


Tenure arrangement details

New growers can lease the farm land, buildings, and greenhouses; rent the equipment by the hour; and rent the apartment by trading homestead help. $1500/ year for use of the tillage, pastures, greenhouses, and farm buildings, monthly payment, or a seasonal payment. $900/month rent plus 10 hrs a month homestead help, and utilities for the apartment, payable by helping with land maintenance and homesteading or cash.

Please have a farm plan and explain why this is a good fit for you. We would hope to see new people eventually buy into this unique conserved property. We plan to live here as long as we are able. Another house can be built on the land.

Joey and Betsy are in their mid-70’s. Joey’s health has deteriorated due to Parkinson’s Disease, and Betsy finds it hard to keep up with the gardening and other homestead tasks as well as care giving. Land management tasks we would like help with include brush hogging, wood stacking, and caring for the orchard, the garden, and other perennial crops.