Valley View Farm

60 acres

Property Owner:

Farmer or farm family

Contact Name:

Phil Young

Property Location:

3828 Stagecoach Road, Morristown, Vermont
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The Land

Total number of acres available with this property:


Total acres available for agriculture:


Acres of forested land:


Acres of cropland or tillable land:


Acres of pasture:


Other open and/or non-farmable land:

136 acres total

Quality of land:

The land that I am interested in leasing is pasture land used for grazing. Fencing is already installed. There is potential for a market garden as well and a road side vegetable stand.

Farm Information

Water sources present:


Water sources details:

Two ponds and a spring and potentially the well that is used for the house and barn.

Barns and sheds:


Farmer housing:

None available

Equipment and machinery:


Farm infrastructure details:

There is a barn that can be used, three horse stalls and a tack room.

Tenure Arrangement

Tenure arrangement:

Property for rent

Property for rent:

I am open to discussing a lease for the available land.

Additional Information

I am looking to lease 60 acres of pasture land and up to 10ish acres for a market garden.  The farm has a great location.  It is about 5 minutes from the Stowe Village.  I am open to hearing any new and innovative ideas that someone may have.  The farm is a great location for a roadside veggie stand.  There is barn space availbe as well.