Pointer's Run - North Bennington

100 acres

Property Owner:

Private non-farming landowner

Contact Name:

Mac Kohler

Property Location:

McCullough Road, North Bennington, Vermont
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The Land

Total number of acres available with this property:


Total acres available for agriculture:


Acres of forested land:


Acres of cropland or tillable land:


Acres of pasture:


Other open and/or non-farmable land:

2.5 acres.

Quality of land:

Excellent upslope quality, well drained, south and west facing slopes. Currently contracted in a feed corn rotation, year-to-year. Approximately 12 acres in wetland, 40 acres in hardwood / sugarbush. No chemicals or GMOs for 20+ years

Farm Information

Water sources present:


Water sources details:

Three points of PERC, possibly PFOA contaminated, not suited for watering food crops. Could be used for bioremedial industrial hemp.

Barns and sheds:

None available

Farmer housing:


Farmer housing details:

3-4 bedroom, three bath, full solar with Tesla battery backup, heat exchange heat/cool, new furnace, oil heat, 4 acre plot.

Equipment and machinery:

None available

Farm infrastructure details:

Access road from north and west sides. Possible housing available across McCullough Road with attached paddock / equipment marshaling yard.

Tenure Arrangement

Tenure arrangement:



Would consider lease to own, house + land, price TBN.

Additional Information

We are interested in converting this property from commodity cattle feed to industrial hemp, for which processing in Vermont exists in both Proctor and St. Johnsbury. Property is already in VT Land Trust with a current use exemption. PFOA PERC contamination from Hoosick Falls industrial recklessness, so no-till, non-food stuff crops strongly indicated.

The land has been farmed in cover crops and corn (2/3 year rotation) for 30+ years, with herbicide/GMO prohibition for 20+ years.

We would like to keep this land under management by The Fund for North Bennington, which maintains paths and public access for our land and several adjacent parcels, creating a nearly 500 acre contiguous "park" that happens to be actively worked land (similar to European open access practice). Lease and eventual transfer would require such a covenent.