New Road Isle Lamotte 57 acres

57 acres • $175,000

Property Owner:

Farmer or farm family

Contact Name:

Hugo Gervais

Property Location:

New Road, Isle LaMotte, Vermont
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The Land

Total number of acres available with this property:


Total acres available for agriculture:


Acres of forested land:


Acres of cropland or tillable land:


Acres of pasture:


Other open and/or non-farmable land:


Quality of land:

3 acres of ag soils of prime significance (AaB) 51 acres of ag soils of statewide significance (CbA) 2 acres of wetlands 6 acres of woodland

Farm Information

Water sources present:

None available

Water sources details:

A well would need to be drilled

Barns and sheds:

None available

Farmer housing:

None available

Equipment and machinery:

None available

Farm infrastructure details:

The conserved land allows for a 5 acre barn complex. This area can be used to build a farmstead, including a house, barn and other structures to allow the development of a farming operation.

Tenure Arrangement

Tenure arrangement:

Property for sale

Property for sale:


Sale price:


Additional Information

This parcel was operated as crop land for corn until the mid 1980's. It has been maintained as a hayfield and pasture since then. Some sections tend to be wet in the spring as Lake Champlain comes up. There are a couple of surface drainage ditches that could be cleaned up. It's a very flat parcel with a slight slope towards New Road. The parcel has a 1500' road frontage on New Road.