Highland Farm

16 acres

Property Owner:

Private non-farming landowner

Contact Name:

Jan Dempsey

Property Location:

North Bridgewater
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The Land

Total number of acres available with this property:


Total acres available for agriculture:


Acres of forested land:


Acres of cropland or tillable land:


Acres of pasture:


Quality of land:

16 acres of pasture land. Previously used for grazing of beef and dairy cattle.

Farm Information

Water sources present:

None available

Water sources details:

Farmers who have used this property have brought water for livestock.

Barns and sheds:

None available

Farmer housing:

None available

Equipment and machinery:

None available

Farm infrastructure details:

Solar fence available.

Tenure Arrangement

Tenure arrangement:


Additional Information

These sixteen acres abut an old orchard which could also be used.  Solar fence is already installed. Landowner is open to agricultural ideas about this property. It would be wonderful to see it being used again for agricultural purposes. Please contact [email protected].  I would love to hear your ideas and work with you.