Willow Crossing

9 acres

Property Owner:

Private non-farming landowner

Contact Name:

Munro Brook

Property Location:

2548 Rt 15 W, Johnson, VT
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The Land

Total number of acres available with this property:


Total acres available for agriculture:


Acres of forested land:


Acres of cropland or tillable land:


Acres of pasture:


Quality of land:

9 acres made up of 50/50 prime and statewide soils available to farm. Above flood plain, remained dry this past flood event.

Farm Information

Water sources present:


Water sources details:

Gravity-fed water source available from the same property beyond the leased 9 acres but still available to farmer. Potential to drill well.

Barns and sheds:

None available

Farmer housing:

None available

Equipment and machinery:

None available

Tenure Arrangement

Tenure arrangement:

Property for rent

Property for rent:

Looking for long-term agreement. Open to property improvements such as retail space and other farm infrastructure. Lease terms are negotiable depending on farmer's vision and plan for the land.

Additional Information

Approximately 9 agricultural acres along Rt 15. Great exposure and opportunity for a fruit orchard or commercial landscape tree nursery and/or retail space if desired to build. Other farm enterprises are encouraged too! Established commercial driveway ready for a roadside farmstand. High volume traffic along Rt 15 as well as growing use of the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail and Long Trail. Septic design is available and landowner is hoping to move forward with improvements.

I have a vision for a greater multi-use plan implementing permaculture design, co-housing with shared land values and renewable energy sources for this property and would love to talk through your ideas. Focus on the immediate agricultural use of the 9 acres is still priority.

Inquiries please text Munro Brook at 707-572-8200 to schedule a phone call to learn more.